
News around the diocese: Domestic violence awareness, parish fall festivals, fundraisers and more


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Deep-pit BBQ returning to Descanso parish
DESCANSO — Our Lady of Light Parish in Descanso will hold its 87th annual deep-pit BBQ on Sunday, Sept. 1.

The event, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., promises “great food, music and community vibes.” BBQ food, peach cobbler dessert, and beverages will be available for cash-only purchase. There will be a beer garden, a craft booth, live country music featuring The Horseshoe Lucky Band, a kids’ zone, live auction items, and raffle drawings.

Our Lady of Light Parish is located at 9136 Riverside Drive, Descanso 91916. This is the small parish’s only major fundraiser each year. Proceeds will support its youth programs, religious education, summer camps, student scholarships and parish operating costs.

Fundraiser dinner to benefit Mother Antonia’s sisters
SOLANA BEACH — The Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour, founded by the late Mother Antonia (Antonia Brenner), will hold its annual fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 7.

The event, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. and take place at St. James Parish Hall, will include a Mexican buffet dinner, a gift card pull, live auction vacation items, and more. Tickets will be $65 per person or $650 per 10-person table.

St. James Parish Hall is located at 625 S. Nardo Ave., Solana Beach 92075. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

Knights and Ladies to gather for St. Peter Claver’s feast
SAN DIEGO – Sunday, Sept. 8, will be a special day for the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Peter Claver, Units #371 and #384, of Christ the King and St. Rita parishes, respectively.

Knights and Ladies of both units will gather to celebrate the Feast of St. Peter Claver at a joint annual Mass, this year to be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. at Christ the King Church.

After Mass, a brief history of St. Peter Claver and his works will be presented by the Grand Knight and Grand Lady of Unit # 371, Dr. Joseph Cummings and T’Sonya Sanders. Fellowship and refreshments will follow in the church hall.

St. Peter Claver was a Jesuit priest born in Spain. He was ordained in and served the entirety of his priesthood in Cartagena, Colombia, dedicating his ministry to providing relief to the misery, cruelty and inhumane treatment of forcibly enslaved Africans during the slave trade of the Middle Passage.

Ministry to the slaves became Father Claver’s passion. After his death on Sept. 8, 1654, he was credited with having baptized and converted over 300,000 slaves to Catholicism. He was canonized on Jan. 5, 1888, and proclaimed patron saint of slaves and of all Catholic missions to African Americans.

Cardinal Robert W. McElroy and many local priests in the Diocese of San Diego are members of the Knights of Peter Claver.

Christian initiation classes offered in Chinese
SAN DIEGO — The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) process, formerly known as RCIA, is offered locally in the Chinese language.

Presented by San Diego’s Chinese Catholic Community, classes will be held every Sunday from Sept. 8 through April 20 at St. Therese of Carmel Parish in Carmel Valley. Each class will run from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

St. Therese of Carmel Parish is located at 4355 Del Mar Trails Road, San Diego 92130.

For more information, visit or call (858) 442-3532, (858) 666-5064 or (619) 997-6911.

Ladies Guild to hold membership luncheon
SAN DIEGO — The Father Joe’s Villages Ladies Guild will host a membership luncheon on Monday, Sept. 9, at St. Gregory the Great Parish in Scripps Ranch.

The catered event will take place from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Attendees will learn about volunteer opportunities available through the Ladies Guild, a service organization that raises funds for homeless children and assists with events and services at Father Joe’s Villages.

There is no cost to attend the luncheon, but RSVP is required by Monday, Sept. 2. For information or to register, email

Msgr. Callahan to Present on ‘Spirituality of the Eucharist’
SAN DIEGO — The diocesan Office for Liturgy and Spirituality is hosting a special presentation on the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

“The Spirituality of the Eucharist: A Retreat for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” will be presented by Msgr. Steven Callahan, pastor of St. Brigid Parish.

It will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 14, at Ascension Church in Tierrasanta. The cost to attend is $10 per person.

The presentation will focus on the Liturgy of the Eucharist and what the Lord desires to do through our participation in it. Suggestions will be made on what we can do to allow the Lord to be at work in us. The four essential actions of the Eucharist – taking, blessing, breaking and giving – will be presented as the pattern for our entire lives.

For more information, email or (858) 490-8290.

Parish and museum trip to showcase indigenous culture
LAKESIDE — Local Catholics are invited to learn about local indigenous history and culture by taking part in a visit to St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish and the Barona Cultural Center and Museum.

Participants will gather at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 21, at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish for a church architectural history tour and a presentation by the pastor, Father Herman Manuel, a member of the Society of the Divine Word. The church is located at 1054 Barona Road, Lakeside 92040.

Around 10:30 a.m., the group will travel about a mile to the museum, located at 1095 Barona Road, where a movie, self-guided walk-through and presentation will be offered.

The event is expected to conclude around noon.

For more information, email or call (858) 490-8327. Register at

‘Lemon Fest’ theme of parish’s fall festival
LEMON GROVE — St. John of the Cross Parish’s fall festival, dubbed “Lemon Fest,” will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21, and Sunday, Sept. 22.

Saturday hours will be 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday hours will be 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The event will include carnival games, raffles, live performances, food and craft vendors, a beer garden, a car show, a lemon baking contest, a white elephant sale, and more.

Cardinal Robert W. McElroy will celebrate the 8 a.m. Sunday Mass. For more information, visit

Oktoberfest fundraiser to combat sex trafficking
ESCONDIDO – Children of the Immaculate Heart, a San Diego-based nonprofit that serves survivors of sex trafficking, will hold its annual Oktoberfest fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 21.

The event will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at St. Mary Parish, 1170 S Broadway, Escondido 92025.

There will be a live German band, an art workshop for children, traditional German food and drinks, a gift faire, and a German costume contest.

Tickets are $40 for adults and $10 for ages 3 to 12. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

Father Boyle’s visit to San Diego cancelled
SAN DIEGO — The Immaculata Parish’s Life, Peace & Justice Ministry announced Sept. 25 that a visit by Jesuit Father Greg Boyle on Sunday, Sept. 29, had been cancelled due to illness.

He was to celebrate the Sunday morning  Mass at The Immaculata and make a presentation afterward.

Among his various honors and awards, Father Boyle received the California Peace Prize and has been inducted into the California Hall of Fame. This year, he was one of the recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian honor.

Rachel’s Hope marking 30th anniversary
SAN DIEGO — A bilingual anniversary gala will be held to mark the 30th anniversary of Rachel’s Hope After-Abortion Healing and the 23rd anniversary of its Spanish-language counterpart, La Esperanza de Raquel.

The celebration will be held at 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 5, at Our Mother of Confidence Parish.

The dress code will be “dressy.” Auxiliary Bishop Ramón Bejarano will deliver the keynote address. The evening will include a meal, talks, testimonies and music.

Tickets are $50 per person. For more information or to register, call (858) 581-3022 or text (858) 752-9378.

Fall festival fun coming to Guardian Angels
SANTEE — Guardian Angels Parish will hold its annual fall festival from Friday, Oct. 11, to Sunday, Oct. 13.

The event will include multicultural food booths, games, “Crafters’ Row,” a beer garden, a book booth, a plant booth, live entertainment, a virtual auction and a drawing for a chance to win $3,000.

The Pulled Pork Fundraiser Plate will be offered on Saturday, Oct. 12, from noon until 7 p.m. or for as long as supplies last.

Festival entry is free to the public, and all are welcome.

The festival location is 9310 Dalehurst Road, Santee. The hours will be 5 to 9 p.m., Friday; noon to 9 p.m., Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday.

For more information, visit or call (619) 448-1213.

Women invited to find after-abortion healing
SAN DIEGO — Rachel’s Hope is offering an after-abortion healing retreat for Catholic (or Catholic-friendly) women.

It will take place from Friday, Oct. 11, to Sunday, Oct. 13, at the diocesan Pastoral Center.

The retreat includes a closing Mass. Confidentiality will be maintained. Group size is limited.

The cost to attend is $60. Partial scholarships are available; housing is available if needed.

For more information or to register, visit, call (858) 581-3022, text (858) 752-9378 or email

Beginning Experience Weekend coming in October
OCEANSIDE — Beginning Experience of San Diego will be hosting a healing weekend for those grieving the loss of a marriage.

It will be held Oct. 11 to 13 at Prince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside.

Separated, divorced and widowed men and women are welcome to come and meet others who have experienced a similar loss.

For more information or to register, call (858) 748- 2273 or email

Jamulfest returns to St. Pius X
JAMUL — St. Pius X Parish will host its 61st annual Jamulfest on Sunday, Oct. 13.

The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the parish, which is located at 14107 Lyons Valley Road in Jamul.

It will feature live entertainment, a deep pit BBQ, a beer garden, a white elephant sale, crafts, and equestrian events. There also will be a prize raffle with tickets for $1 each with a chance to win $1,000, $300 or $100.

For more information, contact the parish at (619) 669-0085.

Ladies Guild hosting annual craft, bake sale
SAN DIEGO — The Father Joe’s Villages Ladies Guild will hold its annual craft and bake sale on Monday, Oct. 14.

It will be held from 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Father Joe’s Villages Ladies Guild Room at 1501 Imperial Ave., San Diego 92101. Enter through the main entrance on Imperial Avenue.

For more information, email

Mass to mark domestic violence awareness month
SAN DIEGO — To mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which is observed every October, the diocesan Office for Family Life and Spirituality is inviting local Catholics to the annual Diocesan Domestic Violence Awareness Mass.

It will be celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Michael Pham at 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 19, at Ascension Parish.

The use of violence against another human being, especially within the domestic Church, is a sin and a crime, as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has expressed in its letter, “When I Ask for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women.”

For more information about the Mass, email or call (858) 490-8295.

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233 or TTY at (800) 787-3224.

Women’s Auxiliary to hold fall brunch
SAN DIEGO — The Whispering Winds Women’s Auxiliary will hold its fall brunch on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Mission San Diego de Alcala.

The event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the California Room. The theme is “Trust in the Lord, He will rescue You.” The guest speaker will be Julia Chadwell.

Those who wish to attend Mass can do so in St. Francis Chapel at 8:30 a.m.

The cost to attend is $45 for current members of the Whispering Winds Women’s Auxiliary and $50 for non-members.  Registration will be online at For more information, email or call (619) 929-4660.

‘Love Our Priests’ to gather on Oct. 26
SAN DIEGO — Father Clement T. Iorliam will be the special guest when the “Love Our Priests” Prayer Group gathers on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Ascension Parish in Tierrasanta.

There will be a Mass at 10 a.m., followed by a potluck luncheon.

Father Iorliam, who serves as a hospital chaplain and is in residence at Mary Star of the Sea Parish in La Jolla, will share his vocation story with the group.

For more information, email

Miles Christi preaching silent retreats
SAN DIEGO — The priests and brothers of Miles Christi are leading silent Ignatian retreats.

These retreats are a unique experience that include spiritual talks, time for private meditation, the rosary, daily Mass, adoration and Benediction, as well as opportunities for confession and spiritual direction.

The next retreats for women will be held from Nov. 15 to 17 at Prince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside. The next men’s retreats will be from Nov. 1 to 3 and from Dec. 13 to 15, also at Prince of Peace Abbey. Space is limited.

For more information and to register, call (858) 768-0872, email or visit

Catholics can ‘Encounter’ Jesus in Rancho Peñasquitos
SAN DIEGO — Encounter, a Spirit-filled evening of inspiring music, prayer and Eucharistic adoration, is held on the second Friday of each month at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Rancho Peñasquitos.

Sponsored by the parish’s Hearts of Fire Ministry, the event runs from 7 to 8 p.m. Confessions will be heard from 6 to 7 p.m.

Upcoming dates in 2024 include: Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 and Dec. 13.

For more information, email

Men invited to join ‘Rosary Crusade’
SAN DIEGO — The Men’s Rosary Crusade gathers at 9 a.m., every first Saturday of the month, at the corner of 6th & Laurel in Balboa Park. All men are welcome.

The rosary intentions are for reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the conversion of America, for families and for the unborn.

For more information, email or call (619) 920-8363.

This news round-up was updated on Sept. 25.

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