
Church listening to voices of teens, marginalized


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SAN DIEGO — Organizations that serve marginalized communities continued to hold synod sessions with their populations at prisons, sites that serve the homeless and refugee assistance offices in May. Meanwhile, parishes and schools began to wind down their sessions for youth.

All reports from these sessions are due by June 15 to the diocese’s synod team, which continues to analyze the data submitted since March. A team of researchers from the University of San Diego is assisting the team members in this part of the synod.

The diocese will submit a report that summarizes the information from the sessions to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops by the end of June.

Bishop Robert McElroy plans to share that report with the Catholic community over the summer. The second listening phase of the consultation is to begin in the fall, when a survey will be circulated widely.

Two commissions, in San Diego and Imperial counties, are helping to guide the diocese’s consultation. Their members are to meet in June.

Visit sdcatholic.org/synod for the latest information about this consultation in the diocese, part of a worldwide invitation to Catholics to share their experiences with the Church. The findings will be used to strengthen the Church at all levels.

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