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Oceanside parish to host Sept. 11 memorial concert


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OCEANSIDE — To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, St. Thomas More Parish is presenting “Moments of Silence and Music, Remembering a Historic American Day: Sept. 11, 2001.”

The 70-minute concert, featuring the Concordia Wind Orchestra with Jeff Held as conductor, will be held at 1 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 11, at the parish.

The concert is a memorial of a tragic event that gave rise to a new awareness and appreciation of our country’s first-responders. Accordingly, there will be a Presentation of Colors by the Oceanside Fire Department, with bagpipes playing “Taps” and “Amazing Grace.”

The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and the California Highway Patrol will be participating, and other local first-responder agencies have also been invited.

While there is no charge, a $10 donation is suggested to help defray costs. Masks are recommended at this function for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, in accordance with CDC and county guidelines.

St. Thomas More Parish is located at 1450 South Melrose Dr., Oceanside 92056. For more information, contact Theresa Harris at or (760) 758-4100.

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