
An appeal to ‘Renew Hope’


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SAN DIEGO — The Annual Catholic Appeal kicks off during the weekend of Feb. 13 and 14.

Fittingly enough, as the world and the Church leave 2020 behind and begin a new year, the theme is “Renewing Hope.”

“The work of the Diocese of San Diego in the coming months will indeed be to reawaken and strengthen hope as we move out of the pandemic and into a genuine renewal of the life of the Church in San Diego and Imperial counties,” Bishop Robert McElroy wrote in a message to mark the launch of 2021’s Appeal.

The Appeal provides essential funds for Catholic schools, faith formation, and Catholic Charities, as well as for seminary education and support for retired priests. The goal is to raise $3.5 million by Dec. 31.

Manny Aguilar, director of the diocesan Office for Stewardship, acknowledged that this is a tough year for potential donors. With many Catholics facing their own financial struggles as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some are not in a position to donate.

“If you can give, we ask you to give. But if you can’t, we ask you to pray for us and for the rest of the diocese,” Aguilar said.

The Appeal supports ministries that are beyond the scope of individual parishes, but whose tangible benefits can be felt at the parish level.

That return on investment might come in the form of a newly-ordained priest whose seminary education was made possible through donations to the Appeal. Or it might come through the full bellies of neighbors who received emergency food assistance from Catholic Charities.

“In our Annual Catholic Appeal, you will be bringing hope to our young people and families, to our parish communities and to our world,” Bishop McElroy said. “I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this splendid work of the Lord.”

Donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal can be made directly through your parish or at www.sdcatholic.org/giving/annual-catholic-appeal.

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