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Joyous celebration for ‘Queen of the Americas’


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SAN DIEGO — Nearly 2,000 faithful attended the diocese’s annual Mass to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe in December. The celebration followed a joyful procession, marking the return of this decades-long tradition after a break due to the pandemic in 2020.

More than two dozen parishes, apostolates and “movimientos,” or faith communities, from across San Diego County walked, danced and rode in brightly decorated cars through North Park streets on Dec. 5. They began at Morley Field and ended at St. Augustine High School, where the Mass was celebrated in the gym.

The diocese’s Hispanic Commission and the Confederación Guadalupana organized the event, led by Auxiliary Bishop Ramón Bejarano. After the Mass, the community paid tribute to revered Auxiliary Bishop Gilberto Chávez, who died in March of 2020 after serving the diocese for 60 years.

This celebration gives participants “hope, but it also gives them the opportunity to know that faith is bigger than all of the different problems and challenges that we continue to face in the world,” Bishop Bejarano told The Times of San Diego. “That faith keeps us going.”

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