
Virus gaining force this summer


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SAN DIEGO — Residents are returning to their routines in public, like eating at restaurants, without masks and physical  distancing. Life seems to be back to normal, but San Diego County statistics paint a different picture:

— 355 new cases of coronavirus in just one day, July 12, compared to the average of 78 per day in May. There was twice as many cases of the Delta variant, which is far more contagious and makes people far sicker.

— 68% of eligible residents are vaccinated, leaving nearly 3 out 10 residents without that protection.

— 99% of all new cases, hospitalizations and deaths occurred among  unvaccinated.

— Deaths continue to pile up, 3,786 as of July 14.

Leaders across the spectrum continued their plea to those not vaccinated: Get the facts from reliable sources, get the vaccine, and save yourself and loved ones.

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